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As Tor Udall said in her first novel, A Thousand Paper Birds, 

“Tearing the paper means you've stopped believing in the infinite possibilities of a square.”

It has always been an amazement for me to see a paper come to life.

In a chaotic world, where peace seems a bit lost, Origami is one of the best meditative tools. It has helped me in stressful situations, uphold my inner peace; and trust me, it can help you as well.


Moreover, Earth is full of non-recyclable wastes & what better way to help our mother earth than up-cycling?! 

Origami/paper art isn't limited to a specific type of paper, any and I repeat ANY paper is Origami material; from your old school books, magazines, draft papers, napkins & many other.

Sustainability is one of our core values.

So, in 2010 I decided to make the shift from "just to have fun" to a profession.

After all, we all dream of a job you don't wanna take vacations from!

And that's how paperly yours was created.


My name is Eliane Makhoul, Biochemist, Paper Artist & a Dreamer.

Let's dream together of a better world!

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